The Old School House
Day Nursery

Welcome to our nursery

The Old School House Day Nursery looks after 106 children from birth to five years. The nursery is located in a converted Victorian school building which has been adapted to provide a range of excellent facilities both indoors and out.

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We offer a range of unique educational experiences which enable children to become successful, lifelong learners
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Nurturing your child & embracing their potential


Our main aim is to provide a secure and happy environment where children can learn through play.


Your first settling in sessions will give your child an opportunity to get to know your child’s Key Person.


We regularly offer opportunities for learning outdoors – giving children the freedom to explore and be physically active.


Our menus are designed by the nursery chef and a paediatric dietician to meet the needs of each age group.

What makes us unique?

Allotment Sessions

The nursery allotment patch teaches children more than just the basic skills of gardening, it provides them with a wealth of knowledge about being caring, our environment, cooperative working with our peers, understanding cause and effect, a range of physical challenges both big and little all whilst providing them the sensory development through being close with nature.

Sensory Room

The sensory room is a black and white state of the art room designed to provide our children with every opportunity for their brain connectors to be stimulated, equipped with audio, visuals, lights, textures all of which are versatile, this challenges their motor skills, focus and cognitive development through rich and varied learning experiences.

Forest Garden

At the Old School House we are fortunate enough to have an onsite Forest Garden, a natural outdoor environment; with Tree's leaves, mud, and bug-life for our children to explore. Forest garden is one of our main child planning areas whereby which they can take full control of their learning, challenging them in their creativity and imaginative play, giving them the tools to be the most confident, resilient, happy a child can be.

Parent Testimonials